Transforming Lives Together Podcast

Episode 52 - Finding the Joy of the Lord in a Stress-filled World Part 01

St. Bartholomew's Anglican Church

It’s good to be back with you for another episode, and we apologize for the mini sabbatical we took. With everything going on surrounding this global pandemic, we, unfortunately, weren’t able to keep up with our weekly schedule. Thank you to our listeners who have stuck with us through our absence and we hope you enjoy this new series we’re starting up titled “Finding the Joy of the Lord in a Stress-filled World.” In this series Fr. Ward will share how we can maximize our joy, looking at what the scriptures and brain science have to say about who we are and how we are wired. 

This series was initially recorded for video so you may hear various sounds or references to images at certain points. You can watch the videos by going to St. Bartholomew’s website which is