Transforming Lives Together Podcast

Episode 19 - Life's Meaning & Purpose (Chapter 7:19-53)

St. Bartholomew's Anglican Church


In our NINETEENTH EPISODE tensions rise over this question as we continue with “Life’s Meaning and Purpose: an in-depth study of the Gospel of John”

Jesus says in Matthew’s Gospel that He did not come to bring peace but a sword (Matt. 10:34), and that this sword would spur conflict amongst individuals, even members of the same household. So the tension that fills chapter 7 of John’s Gospel should not surprise us, for at the center of this tension is the unavoidable Messiah question, “Who do we say Jesus is?” It’s a question that is unavoidable because Jesus is the one who confronts us with it. Once confronted, a decision then has to be made, there is no middle ground. Either Jesus is the Messiah, or He is not. This is the dilemma we find in our lesson this week as people wrestle with the Messiah question, inciting greater hostility from the religious leaders toward Jesus.